Reporting Scores and Pitch Counts
All scores, pitch counts and who played as catcher for both teams must be reported (to the below) by the Home Team within 24 hours of the end of the game for ALL games.
The format should be (example) with reporting the first pitch of the last batter faced by pitcher:
Dodgers 8
Angels 7
Kershaw #22 - 56
May #85 - 13
Garvey #6 - 43
Ryan #30 - 84
Clemens #21 - 22
Rivera #42 - 55
Please report your scores, pitch counts and catchers for both teams to:
CVIL Site Divisions
Shetland American - Josh Feemster at [email protected]. (Scores only)
Pinto American - Ken Kandel and John Miller at [email protected] and [email protected]. Pitch Count logs will be HERE.
Mustang American - Mike Garfinkel at [email protected]. Pitch Count logs will be HERE.
Bronco American - Dan Browne at [email protected]. Pitch Count logs will be HERE.
Bronco National - Jordan Grossbart at [email protected]. Pitch Count logs will be HERE.
Pony National - Casey Randolph at [email protected]. Pitch Count logs will be HERE.
Pony American/ABL - Casey Randolph at [email protected]. Pitch Count logs will be HERE.
Colt - Jason Kerns. Pitch Count logs will be HERE.
Standings for Shetland American, Pinto American, Mustang American, Bronco American and Pony National/American are HERE.
Scores for Shetland American, Pinto American, Mustang American, Bronco American and Pony National/American are HERE.